Achieve a high % win rate, large wins small losses, and consistency, mentoring you every step of the way.

‍Our Unique System

Successful Trading

-Trading plan
-Execution plan
-Trading mentoring 


-Learn from the pros
-Discipline support
– Trade great setups 


-Learn via coaching
-24/7 support
-Group meetings

Top Level Trading Skills

-Real Trading Skills
-Deep Understanding
-Risk Management 

Profitability Mastery

-Wins not lose
-Successful Trades 


This is the most effective mentoring program to transform your day trading skills and help you achieve profitability.

Here we engage in an intense trading development program, focusing on three transformation areas:

Strategy – mastering the technical and fundamental aspects of day trading
Discipline – cultivating mental fortitude and emotional resilience
Risk Management – understanding and mitigating the risks involved in day trading

Our magical formula:2) + 3) = successful day trading. 

How do we do this for day trading?

Firstly, we transform your trading strategy with an education program lasting several months to refine your approach to the markets. We teach you how to read charts, analyze trends, and make informed trading decisions.

Then, we show you how to cultivate discipline, using mental and emotional training to make sure you stick to your strategy even when the market gets tough. Overall, this transforms your approach to day trading.

Thirdly, we educate you on risk management mastery using our training on understanding market dynamics, setting up stop-losses, and using risk-reward ratios. This gets you towards attaining the competence that creates a consistent and successful trading approach that can navigate the uncertainties of the markets.

The strategy transformation, discipline mastery, and risk management training, get you day trading ready, as prepared as possible to go out and achieve profitability in the markets. 

This is all accomplished by you learning the material an hour a day at a desk or in your headphones, incorporating and using it into your day-to-day trading, and then improving it all through weekly mentoring sessions.

This creates an effective triangle of learning, practicing, and reviewing.

Whether you’re new to trading, lack discipline, or just need to improve your approach, we provide the system to get you day trading ready in just six months.

This is our most effective, in-depth program, and is bolstered by professional mentoring, holding your hand every step of the way. 

We have an extensive video library for our members, that help get you to the ultimate trading transformation, with significantly improved discipline, and with risk management mastery, improving your way to consistent profitability.

Follow the system closely, execute, and you will get your results. Inside the program, we walk you through the system, and make it incredibly easy for you to follow this intense self improvement program.

Think Warren Buffet and George Soros in the world of finance. Well, we are Warren, and you are George. Or Ray Dalio and Paul Tudor Jones in the world of hedge funds. Our program is designed to help you achieve trading mastery, just like these industry legends. 

Our Education Program

Compare the different features





Introductory chat with an expert day trader to get to know you, your situation, your needs, and get you up and running as soon as possible.

Introductory chat with an expert day trader to get to know you, your situation, your needs, and get you up and running as soon as possible.

Trading is incredibly unique, and so too will your strategy be. Organic and organized educational support to help you find the strategy that suits you best.

Trading is incredibly unique, and so too will your strategy be. Organic and organized educational support to help you find the strategy that suits you best.

Weekly 60-minute group day trading coaching meeting. Here you ask your questions, and have Oscar the expert mentor, motivator, & to inspire you through your day trading transformation.

Weekly 60-minute group day trading coaching meeting. Here you ask your questions, and have Oscar the expert mentor, motivator, & to inspire you through your day trading transformation.

Expert trade plans, with execution guides depending on your goals and preferences, trading lists, and a ton of more valuable things, get you optimally prepared for your pursuit.

Expert trade plans, with execution guides depending on your goals and preferences, trading lists, and a ton of more valuable things, get you optimally prepared for your pursuit.

Weekly 45-minute 1-to-1 day trading coaching call. Here we get deep into the ins and outs of your trading, to really bolster your knowledge, abilities, and motivation

Weekly 45-minute 1-to-1 day trading coaching call. Here we get deep into the ins and outs of your trading, to really bolster your knowledge, abilities, and motivation

Just look at the success stories page from the menu at the top of the screen, we mentor you towards absolute top-level day trading performance.
Just look at the success stories page from the menu at the top of the screen, we mentor you towards absolute top-level day trading performance.

– Lifetime access to material-
In-Depth Day Trading Book
– Execution Guides
– Trading strategies for different market conditions
– Numerous trading styles
– Trading checklists
– Youtube Motivational Playlists
– From a full time professional day trading expert
– 24/7 Text Message Support. 

– Lifetime access to material-
In-Depth Day Trading Book
– Execution Guides
– Trading strategies for different market conditions
– Numerous trading styles
– Trading checklists
– Youtube Motivational Playlists
– From a full time professional day trading expert
– 24/7 Text Message Support. 

-Daily Trading Check-ins
-Trade Execution Form check
-Weekly Trading Progress Review and Analysis 

-Daily Trading Check-ins
-Trade Execution Form check
-Weekly Trading Progress Review and Analysis 

Trading video & photo lab to help you refine your strategy

Trading video & photo lab to help you refine your strategy





Weekly 45 minute 1-to-1 discipline coaching call. Here Oscar gets deep and personal with you about your discipline, helping you aggressively improve your discipline competence, a central part of you getting profitability.

Weekly 45 minute 1-to-1 discipline coaching call. Here Oscar gets deep and personal with you about your discipline, helping you aggressively improve your discipline competence, a central part of you getting profitability.

Weekly 60min. Group Discipline Coaching Meeting

Weekly 60min. Group Discipline Coaching Meeting

Deep Education Discipline Competence

Deep Education Discipline Competence

Deep Mentoring On Decision Making

Deep Mentoring On Decision Making

Using our education and mentoring to attain powerful decision-making strategies
Using our education and mentoring to attain powerful decision-making strategies
24/7 Whatsapp Support
24/7 Whatsapp Support

Risk Management




The BEST approach to ensuring minimal losses, and maximal gains

The BEST approach to ensuring minimal losses, and maximal gains

Start small, and once you find and get good at your niche, slowly start increasing in size
Start small, and once you find and get good at your niche, slowly start increasing in size

Know the specific approach, what to stay near to, what to stay away from, and further key skill tips

Know the specific approach, what to stay near to, what to stay away from, and further key skill tips

Manage risk to manage your results
Manage risk to manage your results

Gathered from the top pros in the business, how to make it in day trading.

Gathered from the top pros in the business, how to make it in day trading.

Book included
24/7 Support

Book included
24/7 Support

Our Education Program

Compare the different features





Introductory chat with an expert day trader to get to know you, your situation, your needs, and get you up and running as soon as possible.

Introductory chat with an expert day trader to get to know you, your situation, your needs, and get you up and running as soon as possible.

Trading is incredibly unique, and so too will your strategy be. Organic and organized educational support to help you find the strategy that suits you best.

Trading is incredibly unique, and so too will your strategy be. Organic and organized educational support to help you find the strategy that suits you best.

Weekly 60-minute group day trading coaching meeting. Here you ask your questions, and have Oscar the expert mentor, motivator, & to inspire you through your day trading transformation.

Weekly 60-minute group day trading coaching meeting. Here you ask your questions, and have Oscar the expert mentor, motivator, & to inspire you through your day trading transformation.

Expert trade plans, with execution guides depending on your goals and preferences, trading lists, and a ton of more valuable things, get you optimally prepared for your pursuit.

Expert trade plans, with execution guides depending on your goals and preferences, trading lists, and a ton of more valuable things, get you optimally prepared for your pursuit.

Weekly 45-minute 1-to-1 day trading coaching call. Here we get deep into the ins and outs of your trading, to really bolster your knowledge, abilities, and motivation

Weekly 45-minute 1-to-1 day trading coaching call. Here we get deep into the ins and outs of your trading, to really bolster your knowledge, abilities, and motivation

Just look at the success stories page from the menu at the top of the screen, we mentor you towards absolute top-level day trading performance.
Just look at the success stories page from the menu at the top of the screen, we mentor you towards absolute top-level day trading performance.

– Lifetime access to material-
In-Depth Day Trading Book
– Execution Guides
– Trading strategies for different market conditions
– Numerous trading styles
– Trading checklists
– Youtube Motivational Playlists
– From a full time professional day trading expert
– 24/7 Text Message Support. 

– Lifetime access to material-
In-Depth Day Trading Book
– Execution Guides
– Trading strategies for different market conditions
– Numerous trading styles
– Trading checklists
– Youtube Motivational Playlists
– From a full time professional day trading expert
– 24/7 Text Message Support. 

-Daily Trading Check-ins
-Trade Execution Form check
-Weekly Trading Progress Review and Analysis 

-Daily Trading Check-ins
-Trade Execution Form check
-Weekly Trading Progress Review and Analysis 

Trading video & photo lab to help you refine your strategy

Trading video & photo lab to help you refine your strategy





Weekly 45 minute 1-to-1 discipline coaching call. Here Oscar gets deep and personal with you about your discipline, helping you aggressively improve your discipline competence, a central part of you getting profitability.

Weekly 45 minute 1-to-1 discipline coaching call. Here Oscar gets deep and personal with you about your discipline, helping you aggressively improve your discipline competence, a central part of you getting profitability.

Weekly 60min. Group Discipline Coaching Meeting

Weekly 60min. Group Discipline Coaching Meeting

Deep Education Discipline Competence

Deep Education Discipline Competence

Deep Mentoring On Decision Making

Deep Mentoring On Decision Making

Using our education and mentoring to attain powerful decision-making strategies
Using our education and mentoring to attain powerful decision-making strategies
24/7 Whatsapp Support
24/7 Whatsapp Support

Risk Management




The BEST approach to ensuring minimal losses, and maximal gains

The BEST approach to ensuring minimal losses, and maximal gains

Start small, and once you find and get good at your niche, slowly start increasing in size
Start small, and once you find and get good at your niche, slowly start increasing in size

Know the specific approach, what to stay near to, what to stay away from, and further key skill tips

Know the specific approach, what to stay near to, what to stay away from, and further key skill tips

Manage risk to manage your results
Manage risk to manage your results

Gathered from the top pros in the business, how to make it in day trading.

Gathered from the top pros in the business, how to make it in day trading.

Book included
24/7 Support

Book included
24/7 Support

Get Profitability

What we do, is specialize in completely improving in each of the below.
Level up a few times in each of these categories, and you are profitability ready.
Ready for strateetgy competence, for applying the strategy with good discipline, and for managing the size of your trades with good risk management. 

Strategy Development


Mindful Trading

Risk Management

Profitability Mastery

The Benefits

When you engage in day trading, you gain a secret advantage. You understand that while knowledge is not everything, having a solid strategy and analytical mindset gives you a ton more confidence.

Diligent work on your inner game can be tough, but it is the necessary road to getting emotionally fit, designed in combination with a trading competence section to give you further confidence.

With our education, you start understanding the markets better, and learn how to create a profitable trading system for yourself. This results in a ripple effect across your entire life. Your financial situation transforms, your mindset skyrockets into orbit, your confidence is unrecognizably better, and opportunities come your way so much easier.

The Day Trading Masterclass is designed for individuals who want to live the life they have always wanted, to be powerful in the world of trading, and be so good that you have an abundance of choices, and from there you can choose your financial future. When I look around at other companies offering this service, no one does it like us.

No one else in the world teaches you to become a profitable day trader. All the other companies are missing the entire picture. What’s the point in having a solid strategy if you have no inner game, analytical skills, or understand deeply how to create and strengthen a trading ecosystem.

This is the only program in the world that teaches you how to day trade with ease, maintain an analytical mindset, emotional health, and trading competence. We have an amazing system that teaches you every step of the way, mentors you to make sure you are on track, and gets you to your final goal. And you want to know our secret: we make it a lifestyle.

With our accountability mentoring, we hit consistency week in and week out, perfecting your analytical mindset, emotional intelligence, and trading skills all the way until you are a profitable day trader.

The Profitability Masterclass will enrich your life in ways you won’t believe. Take action now, and totally change your financial future. 

Your Day Trading Transformation

Your Day Trading Journey

Our fully professional and intense day trading program lasts for 6-12 months, designed to take your trading skills to the next level.

During the first 12-16 weeks, we focus on building a strong foundation and preparing you for the world of day trading, including technical analysis, risk management, and market psychology.

As you progress through the program, we help you fine-tune your skills and develop a solid trading strategy that can help you achieve consistent profits in the market.

From weeks 17-26, we become more aggressive in our approach, helping you refine your trading strategy and optimize your risk-reward ratio.

By the end of the program, you’ll have a deep understanding of the markets and the tools needed to become a successful day trader.

You’ll be able to quickly and confidently identify profitable trades, manage risk effectively, and adapt to changing market conditions.

With your newfound skills and knowledge, you’ll be able to generate consistent profits in the market and achieve financial independence.

The confidence you gain from successfully navigating the markets will spill over into other areas of your life, helping you achieve your goals and live the life you’ve always wanted. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I see results?

You will see changes within the first few months, however the real changes happen after 8-12 months. Our mentoring keeps you accountable

How long does it take to get profitable?

It depends, however typically 8-10 months is usually sufficient

This seems to be a lot of work, how much work is it per day / week?

To fully transform your trading skills, confidence, and strategy competence, we require at least one to two hour a day of dedication.
The best thing is, 90% of this hour a day can be done through your headphones, learning. You can listen to podcasts, watch instructional videos, and read about the latest market trends.
Then, practicing and reviewing what you've learned becomes a lifestyle if you want to progress. We recommend dedicating an additional 3-4 hours a week to trading practice and reflection.
By consistently putting in the time and effort, you'll develop the skills and knowledge needed to make smart trading decisions and see results.

Day Trading can be super high risk, how do you propose you teach it in a way that isn't took risky?

It is important to only risk money that you can afford to lose, and to use stop-loss orders to limit potential losses.
We help you conduct thorough research and analysis, use technical and fundamental indicators to make informed decisions.
We help you develop a trading plan and stick to it, and use self-control and discipline to avoid making rash decisions. Additionally, keeping a trading journal and regularly reviewing their performance can help traders identify areas for improvement and maintain discipline.

Can I get a refund if I am not fully happy?

We stand behind the quality and effectiveness of our product, and we want our customers to be fully satisfied with their purchase. That's why we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.
If for any reason you are not satisfied with the day trading product you have purchased, you may request a refund within 30 days of the date of purchase. To do so, simply contact our customer service team and provide your order information. We will process your refund as soon as possible.

Are You Ready?!

The Profitability MASTERCLASS 

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